RW4 Plus The RW4 PLUS is a performance packed, stand-alone cloning device that is designed for the professional. It is compact, portable and does not require a PC, internet connection or additional software The RW4 PLUS lets you take control of Texas Instruments (TI) and Philips encrypted code and fixed code transponder keys. When the RW4 PLUS is utilized in conjunction with Ilcoᆴ electronic keys, you can eliminate the two master (original) key requirements for モon-boardヤ programming. It is a stand-alone device with no PC, internet connection or additional software required. Are. ユ Clones TI and Philips encrypted code and fixed code (T2, T5)transponder keys ユ Identifies presence of a transponder and indicates chip type, value and manufacturer ユ Code Generation Capable ユ Software updates are based on new vehicle information &technology ユ Free updates for one year from purchase ユ Archiving Function ユ 12V DC adapter included for モon the roadヤ services ユ Compact, lightweight and portable ユ Built in モsoft touchヤ key pad ユ Multiple language support ユ Easy to read LCD screen Dimensions: 91/2ヤWX 61/2ヤD X 31/4ヤH (24.1 cm X 16.5 cm X 8.26 cm) Weight: .61 lbs (.27 Kg)